Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 4: Train to Venice!

Today’s blog post will be a short one, as we didn’t do as much due to taking the train to the city of Venice. We were able to sleep in and have breakfast then meet up at the Marriott (Chris and Gigi had transferred to another hotel as my points ran out!). After storing my larger suitcase and just taking a duffel bag with me we set out for the Metro. Taking the Metro to the Termini train station (the main station in Rome) we were able to board our train to Venice. It was going to take about 3.5 hours.

The train was uneventful. We chatted. We slept. We had snacks. Normal train activity. Upon debarking in the main Venice train station Gigi bought us the correct Vaporetto. This is like a water taxi for the masses. We each bought a 24 hour unlimited pass which I think was 20 Euro. We knew that the next day we would be taking the boats to the islands of Murano and Burano so this was the most economic option.

Our hotel was the Antigo Panda. This was a hotel that Chris and Gigi had stayed at before and since there was only one Marriott way at the other end of the island we thought this would be a great option. It is not far from St. Mark’s square and after dropping off our bags we headed out into the city. Now it was starting to get dark and we knew we needed food. Also, I was starting to get sick. I was trying to ignore it but it was coming. And coming hard.

My tiny little hotel room!

A few details about the hotel. It was nice albeit small. Really small. Which is fine. But when you are used to the Marriott you should be warned. Not the Marriott! And they gave us a code for the Wi-Fi, which I never did get working for myself. I wasn’t too concerned about it because Chris was checking me in via FB and at least my family knew I was alive. I am not sure if the Wi-Fi issue was just the hotel issue or a Venice in general issue. Just be warned.

The link is below:

We found a little place not too far from the hotel where we could get some pasta. I don’t recall the name of the place and it was kind of touristy but we collectively decided that since we were hungry and tired it was going to be the choice. It was chilly outside and with the hunger and all….

After a short walk around for a bit longer we turned in for the night. We had a lot to do the next day (our only full day in Venice) and we needed to be rested.

Just lovely!


The view from my hotel room

***Michelle’s tip:  Definitely opt to take as little luggage as possible as there are no cars/taxis and you have to schlep it around with you until you get to your hotel.

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