Monday, November 21, 2016

November 20 & 21- Guam

**** So a little note about my blog. I found out when I got to Japan that there was a problem with the Blogger app for iPad that I use for my travel blog. Apparently Apple no longer supports the app, and it has gone rogue from the AppStore, nowhere to be found. A bit of Google-fu research told me that what I needed to do is utilize Google Crome to access my blog and blog posts from there. In order to get my pictures accessibly, I needed to use Google Pictures and import my pictures from my iPad so that I can post them to the blog post. That will explain the rather inconsistent posts (content and format) the last two days. Now that I figured everything out, the blog will make more sense. In order news, Google has announced it's latest SkyNet data center for opening 2018!!!  LOL

On to the blog post. 

Guam- November 20 and 21, 2016

Got up super early on Sunday the 20th for my flight from Narita to Guam. The actual flight time is about 3 hours long, but since it is still considered an international flight from Tokyo,  you have to get to the airport early. Easy check in, security line and customs processing and I am shopping at the duty free shop and waiting at the gate. The flight to Guam was uneventful. Guam is a holiday tourist spot for the Japanese (closer and cheaper than Hawaii), so the flight was filled with tourists. Landed a little early and made my way to immigration/ passport control. Since I have Global Entry and Guam is a US territory I was the only person to utilize the Gloabl Entry line and breeze right through. Welcome to the USA!

Sabrina and the kids were waiting outside for me and we piled into the SUV and headed toward their home on base housing. She had previously done the paperwork to get me a base pass (post divorce, I no longer have any base privileges). They have a nice 4 bedroom home in a cul-de-saq neighborhood and we settled in for a afternoon of relaxation. The kids were happy to have a visitor and we got caught up and had a great visit. Until 7:30 pm rolled around and I totally crashed. Jet lag is a bitch!!

After a good nights sleep Sabrina and I got the kids off to school and took off for the morning. We drove around a bit, did some errands on base, shopped at the Navy Exchange and went to the beach. The beaches here are lovely, with water as warm as bath water and clear water. Since it was a Monday, it was nearly empty and we spent some time walking around, talking and putting our feet in the water!

After a quick lunch we headed back to the Largest Kmart in the world. Yeah, it's a thing apparently. The Japanese tourists come here and stock up on whatever and bring it back to Japan. I am not really sure of the appeal, but I can check it off my list as "having seen it". We decided to go we plhead back to the house to rest (mostly rest my knee) and so I could write out some postcards. The kids get home from school around 3ish, so we hung out after that (homework, playtime, etc). I planned for this visit to be very relaxing and for Sabrina and I do to stuff mostly while the kids are at school. They are too young to be left alone (11, 6 & 5) so we are doing stuff during the day. It has been a lovely visit so far and the kids are thrilled that someone from family has come out to visit them!

Tomorrow we are planning to go drive the southern part of the island and take some pictures. I am sure there will be more beach time and sightseeing, albeit relaxing sightseeing! 

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