Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22 & 23- Guam!

November 22 & 23- Guam

Continuing the adventures on a tropical island -today Sabrina and I drove out around the southern tip of the island to see some more of the "tropical" aspects that Guam has to offer. Sabrina has been nice enough to drive me around daily after the kids go to school so that I can see the sights and we can get out. As we drove around the southern tip of the island, we passed more of the "jungle" like areas as well as the mountains. This part of the island drive snakes around up the mountain and then back down, with jungle areas as well as beaches along the way. It 's got everything!

We stopped at most of the areas set aside for cars to pull off and look over the sights, take pictures and rest. It was nice because it was a Tuesday and very quiet out- all the kids are in school.

There were some people boogie boarding in the water:

A little sun and water for me:

Me wading in the ocean. In November!

As we drove along, the heat and humidity got worse the further away from the inlet water areas. It was very stifling in some areas and we didn't stay outside of the car long. 

Some lovely yellow flowers:

 Some lovely red flowers:

Sabrina and I posing for a hot, humid selfie!

And then we came across this. This was on the side of the road in a residential area and I am now calling it Uncle Owen's house. If I have to tell you why I called it that, then you are dead to me!  :)

On Wednesday morning we took another drive to the Guam Museum that is newly opened. It is a museum of the history of Guam and in a newly built, modern building and very nice (with lots of AC!). For only $3 you can see the exhibits of the museum artifacts as well as photographs and artwork of the native people. It was very nicely done and although they are not finished with the museum as a whole, we had a nice time. It doesn't take too long to go through the museum (about 20-30 minutes) and then they have a cafe/gift shop you can rest in. Sabrina is looking forward to bringing the kids back for activities that are being planned for the kids in the new year. 

Across the street from the museum is a Basilica which is very lovely. Guam is a Catholic island and although there are many Catholic churches around the island, this one (more modern) Basilica is one that Pope John Paul II visited in 1981. It was very pretty and nice to visit and take pictures. 

Tonight we are heading out to dinner with the family and to walk along the more tourist shopping area with the kids. More on that later!

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